Monday, August 16, 2010

3 Fast Ways to Increase Revenues NOW! (Method 1 of 3)

Most of the people who talk with me about marketing are looking for a quick fix. I hate the see this because consistently engaging in effective marketing practices can go a long way to removing the need for these emergency blitzes. I certainly understand, however, that sometimes a business just needs a shot in the arm to get over a hump. Over my next three installments, I’m going to share three ways virtually any business can create an income boost that can bring in new money in as little as one day, but absolutely within 30 days.

Method #1: Hold an Open House, Seminar, or Other Event

Regardless of the type of business you have, you either have a place of business people can come to, valuable knowledge you can share with your audience, or both. This means you are a candidate for holding an open house to allow prospects to get to know you better, a live or tele-seminar to share your knowledge, or some other similar type of event that gets you noticed.

:: Decide what type of event you are going to hold. It doesn’t have to be fancy or over-the-top. It just needs to meet your audience’s needs.

:: Involve the media and your contacts in getting the word out. Sit down and look at all the places and people who can help you publicize your event. You have at least a few, including the local paper, online community calendars, vendors, and clients; but chances are good you have many more than that. Get your team involved and think through all the possibilities.

:: When you have your plan in place, launch your publicity campaign two to four weeks in advance of the event, depending on the time commitment your event requires on the part of an attendee. A drop-open house only needs a couple weeks’ advance notice, while a full-day seminar calls for four weeks. Remember, though, that most of your attendees won’t RSVP (if that is required) until a few days before the event. That’s just human nature.

:: Keep it simple, especially if you’re new to such an event. Let your fears go, make your plan, and DO IT! You’ll be surprised at how effective events can be in raising your profile, improving client and customer loyalty, and improving your top-line revenues.

Watch for my next two installments. They offer even quicker ways to bring in new money NOW.

Here’s to your marketing success!

Bryan Waldon Pope
Marketing Success Institute


  1. Great suggestions. You know a great suggestion means more when it comes along just when you're looking for it. Jeanne and I brainstormed the other day for ten event ideas that we might try, so your comments are perfectly timed for us. I look forward to the next two installments.

  2. Glad this was timely for you, David. I don't know if your 10 event ideas are private, but we'd love to hear them if you feel so inclined. Others can certainly benefit from what you have to share!
